The Zizyphus is a natural product used for centuries for facials and hair. The Zyphuskin products treat major skin conditions such as psoriasis or erythema. Several applications are recommended:
Natural cleanser : The Zyphuskin organic powder is a natural cleanser for face and an exfoliant . It relieves stress and revitalizes the body. Thanks to its calming properties, zizyphus treats rashes and acts on psoriasis and other skin diseases. Lightening, it restores radiance to the complexion and activates skin microcirculation, which makes it more radiant. The zizyphus has tonic and antioxidant properties, which confers anti-aging properties.
Hair care: This is a wonderful astringent treatment with antifungal properties that cleanses oily scalps, fights dandruff and strengthens hair while adding shine. Ideal for fine hair, the Zizyphus brings volume and tone. Zyphuskin organic Zizyphus powder must be stored in a dry place and will not lose its properties over time.
Treatment for skin diseases: Zyphuskin Ointment can be applied at all times to treat itching and inflammation.